: Closed. Future orders welcome.
Especiales Del Dia
(Daily Specials)
Los Platos Acompañados de arroz y harbichuelas o totones o paps fritas o yucas o maduros o ensalada, excepto sopas, paellas y chofan.

All dishes come with one of the following choices: rice & beans, green or sweet plantains, french fries or salad, except soups, paellas & chofan.
Pescado Del Dia
Fish Of The Day.
$7.00 Lunch Half-Size
$12.00 Meal Full-Size
Pernil Al Horno
Roast Pork
$7.00 Lunch Half-Size
$12.00 Meal Full-Size
Carne De Res Guisada
Beef Stew
$7.00 Lunch Half-Size
$12.00 Meal Full-Size
Berengena Guisada
Stewed Eggplant
$7.00 Lunch Half-Size
$12.00 Meal Full-Size
Bacalao Guisado
Codfish Stew.
$7.00 Lunch Half-Size
$12.00 Meal Full-Size
Carne De Res Al Horno
Roast Beef
$8.00 Lunch Half-Size
$13.00 Meal Full-Size
Chivo Guisado
Goat Stew
$7.00 Lunch Half-Size
$12.00 Meal Full-Size
Tripe Soup
$4.50 Peq. (Sm.)
$8.00 Gr. (Lg.)
Caribbean Soup
$4.50 Peq. (Sm.)
$8.00 Gr. (Lg.)
Sopa De Pollo
Chicken Soup
$4.00 Peq. (Sm.)
$7.50 Gr. (Lg.)
Sopa De Res
Beef Soup
$4.50 Peq. (Sm.)
$8.00 Gr. (Lg.)

How to order:

    1. Please select the appropriate category on your far left.
    2. Choose the item you want by clicking on its name or the Select and Customize link. This allows you to choose the toppings, etc. you desire.
    3. Then click Add to My Order to add the item to your meal.
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all items you want.
    5. Click on Checkout at the bottom of the My Order column when done.

Bon Appétit!

My Order
After customizing each selection, it will appear here.